Cancellation Policy

Client acknowledges that all subscription fees are charged automatically on a recurring basis, until the Client cancels their channel subscription (both month-to-month and annual plans).

Client can cancel his subscription anytime he wants from user dashboard. The cancelation will be aplied at the begining of the next cycle of his subscription.

For example, if you've subscribed at the 15th of the month, you can cancel your subscription before the 15th of the current month. You will not be billed for the next month.
If you cancel you subscription after the 15th of the current month, you will not be refunded, however you subscription will be terminated automatically at the 15th of the next month.

To cancel your subscription just login to your account:
- Then go to your profile page:
- Click "Cancel" button, at the bottom of the subscription plan, to cancel your subscription

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us: